Currently is in usage of Flash mass storage devices. 10 years old IDE interface works well with new Flash drives, but now we have simpler solution. PC software Drive Image is completed. Now can perform all operations from disk INIT, imaging to file transfer easy and comfortable, for all types of disk interfaces here.
Compact Flash card interface - 8-bit, full capacity, very simple
Schematic  Programming reference - LBA mode   Download new ROM - LBA, big sectors, for drives over 500MB.   Download ROM - LBA for smaller drives.   santu
ROM source (LBA)  Instructions and software for CF init.  Demonstration AVI (5MB) - real Speccy video capture, not emu.
IDE hard disk interface - 16 bit data transfer
Schematic - note: here is Spectrum Edge connector layout. ... Zxide.jed 
Download new ROM - LBA, big sectors.  Download ROM - CHS, with sources(25KB)  Sources in ASM format - HD init, Floppy to HD, HDDOS (7KB) ROM usage Programming reference    Spectrum 128K compability
Pic. of interface  Pic. of Speccy with old hard disk
Simpler interface - 8bit data transfer   Download new ROM - LBA, big sectors of 1KB, for use of bigger drives up to 4GB.    Download ROM - CHS.
ideflash IDE-Flash or Compact Flash instead hard drive
Today is probably much wiser to use some Flash drive instead classic hard disk. It consumes much less power, is very small, and prices are not big. transtu I tested above 16-bit IDE interface with Transcend's 128MB IDE-Flash drive (128MDOM40V). Current price is about 30 Euro, what is bigger than price of Compact Flash, but you don't need IDE-CF adapter. It works very well, measured read speed is around 150KB/sec, access time is under 1ms.
Compact Flash (CF): interface worked well with SAN CF card. With Kingston I had problems - corrupt data. Solution is putting 1Kohm resistor on line SELP (pin 37 of IDE conn.) to prevent ringing. Transfer speed of 128MB Kingston CF is same as with Transcend IDE-Flash. Download ROM, instructions, sources (27 KB)
UVY-RGB converter for 48K models - get sharper & cleaner picture Schematic
ROM switch - select from diverse ROM versions Description & schematic
Flash EPROM instead ROM Schematic & description
Floppy interface
  ROM image with brief instructions & format program How to use ROM   File format structure
External ROM modul  - Schematic
  NMI button

ZX: Read hard drive parameters (CHS, size)  Copy from one hard disk to other   Disk initialization  Binary data packer (compressor)  Tape to hard disk copier  Hard disk usage statistic  StartPack - 6 MB rar archive - image for 128MB disks - many games, some utils.
PC: (USB) Drive image & ZX file transfer util.  Instructions, screenshots Updated!
  Floppy imaging prg with ZX floppy data transfer.

ST: From floppy or disk image to TAP, Z80.

Technical stuff
Port addresses for interfaces and peripherals. Waste of bits. This is not list of port addresses by popular peripherals/interfaces. I try giving here some explanations of used systems, and how to design address decoders, and using which addresses.
CCT diagram of Spectrum 128
about Spectrum

Following is intended for authors of Spectrum emulators. I included here only results of my research:
Cassette/EAR/MIC port. Issue 2 and 3

Related links
Spectrum emulators for PC site - tests of various Spectrum emulators.
The World of ZX-Spectrum - most popular Spectrum related site on WEB.
Z80 CPU Official Support Page- many data about Z80.
ATA ref. - ATA disk committee. - 48K scheme etc.
The ZX Spectrum Technical Information Repository - site with circuit diagrams of Spectrums. - here is free PCB design program for PC.  - RGBPLD21.ZIP , plus other digital electronic projects.
Send me mail with questions, suggestions and comments about this site.
Cool pictures: Sir Clive & T.Rex   Issue4.jpg- 48K board in resolution of 1588x2549. File length is 800KB.

Copyright: Pera Putnik. Last revised: Oct 30. 2006.

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