Spectrum Anywhere Windows CE
(Version 1.0 , Author: Jaan Cid,  2003. for Pocket PC, Windows CE)

  I tested it on Fujitsu-Siemens Pocket L00X 600. Installation needs Active Sync, and goes fast. After it SAW appears in ProgramFiles group and associates for known extensions as SNA, Z80 and TAP.
TAP load is possible only in normal Speccy mode, so better use snapshot files (save battery!). Here I observed that some Z80 snapshots load not well, so better use SNA or check Z80 and convert by need with some PC emulator.
  Display is rotated by 90 degrees, so all pixels are here, plus ZX keyboard and some settings.
sepAntA.jpg sepPo.jpg
Most interesting is config - with it may assign PDA buttons to desired Speccy keys or joystick buttons. Program remembers settings for each game (file) in separated file. Very practical.
There is not much setting, it emulates only 48K machine.
sepFs.jpg sepVa.jpg

It runned everything what I tried, so compability is good.


hcnt: 12664